Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Reflections from our Athletic Director

March 4, 2015

This week is my husband’s birthday.  I thank God for Steve and the gift of marriage.  Not only is Steve a wonderful husband and father, but also as partner in helping me with my work at SCCHS.  At the creation of the world God already knew that people needed helpers and He created for Adam “a helper suitable for him.” (Gen. 2:18b, NIV)

As I thought about the help Steve gives me in my job, running the game clock, setting up and taking down the gym, extra jobs at home, I was reminded of all the people God puts in my life to “help” me.  There are the store clerks, garbage men, medical personnel, snow plow drivers, power plant workers, meat cutters, grocery baggers, mechanics, my son, the computer problem solver, to name a few.  Helpers.

Then I began to consider all those who help me with my work here at SCCHS.  I will not name you individually, for I certainly would miss someone, but you know who you are.

Monday thru Wednesday I prepare and serve hot lunch.  Each Monday a friend from church comes to help me with my work.  She helps me serve, do dishes, clean-up, making my job easier.  On Tuesdays, two students rinse and wash the plates used for hot lunch.  Many days there are students who help me prepare meals that need an extra set of hands, quesadillas, wraps, grilled cheese, or are “runners” with plates of food for the hungry crowd.  There are three young men who faithfully collect the money each day.  The school secretary informs students and parents of upcoming meals.  The bookkeeper keeps tabs on the money and prepares the money box each day.  Our custodians clean the lunch room each day and empty the kitchen garbage.  Often as I am bringing in arm loads of groceries, students or faculty will grab a bag or two and bring them to the kitchen.  Helpers.

The job of athletic director could not be done without a multitude of helpers.  Other ADs answer questions and give advice.  The conference commissioner schedules games and officials and keeps the conference running smoothly.  There are several gentlemen that help me find JV and non-conference officials for soccer and basketball games.  A gifted tech person fixes the scoreboard. Parents and grandparents take tickets at games, run the clock, keep the scorebook, help clean up after the games, turn the handles on the bleachers. Basketball players do a great job of setting up the gym for games after their practices.  They know the routine – get out the bleachers, turn the handles, lock the benches, put up the baskets, sweep the floor, move the scorer’s table, put out the score clock.  Students keep the JV locker rooms clean so they can be used by visiting teams. Helpers.

God has given us instructions in His Word that we are to help each other.  We are to work together. We do this not just for each other, but for Him.  “For we are God’s fellow workers…” (I Cor. 3:9a, NIV) By working together we are serving our Heavenly Father. “From Him the whole body, joined together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph. 4:16, NIV)

I know I have missed so many more of my helpers, but my prayer is that we can all continue to “help” each other.  Look for ways to lend a hand. Open a door, pick up another’s dropped garbage, offer a ride, give encouragement, ask “How can I help you?” “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Col. 3:23, NIV) 
Oh, and, “Happy Birthday!” “suitable helper.”

Deb Van Drunen

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