Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Passion for Promotion

I’ve often wondered how someone who has not grown up in Christian education can make the decision to spend thousands of dollars to send their children to a Christian school. Being an alumnus of Oostburg Christian and Christian High, I have often been guilty for taking that decision for granted. Joel and I never really had that conversation with each other, we just knew we made that commitment when our kids were born; and what a commitment it is. So, what is it that brings people to our school community? Do we make them feel welcome and a part of our school family? What sets us apart from the other schools in the area? Is just bringing God into the classroom enough? Is it worth the money?
I have to admit there have been times when I think of what we could be doing with all of the money that we have spent on Christian education for the last 12 years, but I wouldn’t change a thing! God has blessed our family and brought awesome teachers and families into our lives to help us raise our kids. It’s not just about learning more about God, it’s the whole package that comes with it. I’m not delusional in thinking that my kids are automatically saved because I sent them to a Christian school, and I’m not trying to protect them from the scary world of reality. I want to stand before my Lord and Savior some day and say that I did everything that I could to bring my kids to know HIM. We need each other to help raise our kids. They aren’t perfect, and they are going to mess up, but teachers, other parents, grandparents and volunteers can surround them with love. Together we can help hold each other accountable. That’s what sets us apart, and we are held to a higher standard.

Making the commitment to Christian education, and seeing the unbelievable rewards it has brought me and my family now gives me the passion to help promote the school. How can I make such an enormous commitment and feel so passionate about something and not want to share it with others? I have had the honor to serve on a great promotion committee at SCCHS the last 1½ years. It’s been trying at times, but it has been really cool to see the families that bring their kids to our school to check it out.

Last week we had 37 8th graders visit school for our annual 8th grade visitation day. We had 6 awesome high school leaders taking the groups around for part of the day to visit classrooms, experience chapel, and eat lunch with the faculty. I was blown away by how many of the other high school students went out of their way to welcome these kids and make them feel wanted at our school. We as a school family need to embrace new families and let them know that we want them to be at SCCHS and experience what we do.

Sandy VanEss


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