Monday, May 11, 2015

Don't Be Hatin'

By Luke MacDonald (Sophomore)
Sometimes I wonder why people don't like people. I understand that the human race is known to make a crappy decision from time to time, but, if that's true for all of us, then why should any one of us be more despised than the other? I bring this up because there have been times where I have felt like the odd one out for not hating someone. When I sit in circles of people and a name comes up that makes everyone groan with hatred and I groan right along with them because it's the cool thing to do. How does that reflect Christ's love? It doesn't. So I'm just going to take this moment to say two things. One: I'm sorry to you. People who get a hated on for a mistake they made (or didn't
make), you don't deserve what you get, or at least, if you deserve it, so do I. Your transgressions are no greater than anyone's and you deserve love from Christ's people. I'm sorry that I put you down behind your back to momentarily make myself look better. For that, I will try my hardest to make up for. The second thing I wanted to say: To those of us who make these statements. You may also get statements made about you, but just think. Many people have made mistakes and so have you and so have I. Why should their sin be any worse than ours? I challenge us to forget reputations, transgressions, allegiances and presuppositions in favor of our brothers and sisters in Christ. John 15:13: "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends" If it is considered great for us to lay down our lives for others, is it not safe to assume that anything short of laying down our lives for others is also good? Or even, from another standpoint, we do lay down our lives in surrendering our reputations and popularity for the sake of a brother or sister. We fight for the least of these, because we are the least of these. We are the Church.

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